St Stephen’s, Dalmuir, has been a good supporter of Let The Children Live! for some years now and their latest effort, an Easter Egg Hunt, was organised by the children of the parish. A group of children from St Stephen’s School, who also attend the Sunday School and the Sunday Club, are taking part in the Pope Francis Faith Award. This involves working in and for the parish, and for the wider community. The children, all primary 6, decided to hold an Easter Egg Hunt to raise money for children who are helped by Let The Children Live!
The week before Lent began the children sat down and talked about what would be required to make the day–Easter Sunday–a success.They did a letter for the parish bulletin asking for donations of Easter Eggs to sell, raffle prizes and home baking on the day. They asked Mrs Shields, the parish provider of cups of tea and coffee—if she and her ladies would prepare tea and coffee for them on Easter Sunday and she was happy to oblige. Each Sunday, at the Club, the children met for 15/20 minutes to talk about how things were progressing and they showed great commitment and teamwork. There was no bickering and everyone played their part faithfully!
As Easter Sunday drew near preparations became more intense. The church “penny jar” in which all the children put 1p and 2p coins when they can, was used to buy sweets and the boys and girls gave up several hours of their holidays to bag them up to sell on the day. They also cut out paper eggs for the Hunt. When Easter Sunday dawned they were all there to help and they entered into the Event with great enthusiasm. Their reward was to see the total raised for our children in Colombia—£600—which was a magnificent achievement! The knowledge of how this money would help children from the streets and shanty-towns of Medellín made them very happy.
Well done! to all these boys and girls, who have shown such unselfishness and concern for others.
A big Thank You! to everyone involved.