Our supporter Mary Pursglove is a very enterprising lady. Having had to retire from work due to ill health she decided to use her time to help Let The Children Live! So, she organised a St Patrick’s Day party for friends and colleagues. With a simple lunch; a plant stall; a raffle—-and of course Irish music!—she hoped to make £100. But her party was such a success that she made 3 times that amount–£300–and, to use her words, they had a ‘fab party!’
Many thanks to you Mary, and now we hope that others will follow your example and find simple but enjoyable ways of raising money for our children. Could you organise a Coffee Morning for us? Or how about a Tea-Party? We can supply display material and information leaflets so not only would you be raising money to help our work, but you would be publicising it for us too.
For Display Material and Leaflets ring 01302 858369 or e-mail letthechildrenlive@mac.com