As usual, Fr Peter will be visiting the UK to fundraise in 2020. The mainstay of these tours is making Appeals in parishes, particularly larger ones where congregations are substantial. Some of his weekends in 2020 are already filled but 8 are still empty and we would like to fill these as soon as possible, especially the one in February. Would you speak to your parish priest and ask if Fr Peter could visit your parish? We can supply literature to help you with this and there is, of course, the website.
The vacant weekends are:
February 1st/2nd
May 9th/10th
May 30th/31st
October 3rd/4th
October 10th/11th
October 17th/18th
October 24th/25th
October 31st/Nov.1st
If you can help please e-mail me at or ring me on :01302 858369
New Intercessions and Updates now available. E-mail: or ring 01302 858369 to request them.